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Die schlauen Seiten rund ums Studium

Studiengänge / Studienort Hamburg
IU Duales Studium

Architektur (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Bauingenieurwesen (dual)
Bachelor of Engineering ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Betriebswirtschaftslehre (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
BWL - Accounting & Controlling (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
BWL - Handelsmanagement (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
BWL - Logistikmanagement (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
BWL - Sozialmanagement (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
BWL - Steuerberatung (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Digitale Transformation (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Elektrotechnik (dual)
Bachelor of Engineering ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Food Management (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Gesundheitsmanagement (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Immobilienwirtschaft (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Informatik (dual)
Bachelor of Science ☀️+❄️
Kindheitspädagogik (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Kommunikation & PR (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Marketingmanagement (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Mediendesign (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Online Marketing (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Personalmanagement (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Soziale Arbeit (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Tourismusmanagement (dual)
Bachelor of Arts ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Wirtschaftsinformatik (dual)
Bachelor of Science ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Management (dual)
Bachelor of Engineering ☀️+❄️ (💶)
Dies waren nur die Studiengänge, die am Studienort Hamburg studiert werden können!
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URL dieser Seite: https://www.studis-online.dehttps://www.studis-online.de/hochschulen/iu-duales-studium/hamburg/wintersemester/