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Studienfächer vorgestellt [Seite 3]

Sind Sie ein Anbieter von Studiengängen und ebenfalls an der Schaltung eines Studienprofils interessiert? Hier gibt es weitere Informationen!

Big Data & Business Analytics
Master of Science | FOM Hochschule
Bildungsmanagement und Wissenschaftsmanagement
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Berufserfahrung erforderlich) | Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Bachelor [lehramtsorientiert], Master of Education | Universität Bielefeld
Master of Science | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Bachelor of Science | Universität Bielefeld
Biomedical Engineering
Master of Science | Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Biomedizinische Technik
Bachelor of Engineering | Hochschule Ansbach
Bachelor of Science | Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Biopharmaceutical Science
Bachelor of Science | Provadis School of International Management and Technology
Bachelor of Science | Hochschule Fresenius
Bachelor of Engineering | Technische Hochschule Wildau
Master of Science | Hochschule Bremerhaven
Biotechnologie der Marinen Ressourcen
Bachelor of Science | Hochschule Bremerhaven
Biotechnologie und chemische Verfahrenstechnik
Master of Science | Universität Bayreuth
Brand & Communication Design
Bachelor of Arts | Brand University of Applied Sciences
Brand & Marketing Management
Bachelor of Arts | Brand University of Applied Sciences
Brand Entrepreneurship
Master of Arts | Brand University of Applied Sciences
Brand Strategy
Master of Arts | Brand University of Applied Sciences
Business Administration
Master of Science | BSP Business and Law School
Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts | IST-Hochschule für Management
Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts | IU Fernstudium
Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts | FOM Hochschule
Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Berufserfahrung erforderlich) | FOM Hochschule
Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts | Provadis School of International Management and Technology
Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts | Provadis School of International Management and Technology
Business Administration
Master of Science | BSP Business and Law School – Campus Hamburg
Business Administration
Bachelor of Science | Kühne Logistics University - Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Logistik und Unternehmensführung
Business Administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre)
Bachelor of Arts | Fachhochschule Erfurt
Business Administration - dual kompakt
Bachelor of Arts | FOM Hochschule
Business Administration · Sales & Marketing Management
Bachelor of Arts | International School of Management
Business Communication Management
Bachelor of Arts | accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg
Business Consulting
Master of Arts | Hochschule Harz – Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
Business Consulting & Digital Management
Master of Science | FOM Hochschule
Business Development & Digital Innovation
Master of Arts | Hochschule Fresenius
Business Development & Digital Innovation
Master of Arts | Hochschule Fresenius
Business Information Management
Bachelor of Science | Provadis School of International Management and Technology
Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Master of Science | BSP Business and Law School
Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Master of Science | BSP Business and Law School – Campus Hamburg
Business Intelligence
Bachelor of Science | IU Fernstudium
Business Intelligence
Master of Science | IU Fernstudium
Business Intelligence & Data Science
Master of Science | International School of Management
Business IT Consulting
Bachelor of Science | accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg
Business Law
Bachelor of Laws | International School of Management
Business Management
Master of Arts | Fachhochschule Erfurt
Business Management
Master of Arts | Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management (HdWM)
Business Management
Bachelor of Arts | Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management (HdWM)
Business Management
Master of Arts | Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management (HdWM)
Business Management
Master of Arts | Hochschule Macromedia
Business Management and Psychology
Bachelor of Arts | Hochschule Furtwangen University
Business Management und Wirtschaftspsychologie
Master of Arts | Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management (HdWM)
Business Psychology
Bachelor of Science | FOM Vollzeitstudium
Business Transformation Management
Master of Arts | IST-Hochschule für Management

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